
私はフィリピン出身で、暑い季節ともっと暑い 2 つの季節を「楽しんで」います。子供の頃から、冬が厳しい場所に住みたいと思っていて、今ここにいます。
2023 年の春から日本で働き、暮らしており、雪の多い山形県から旅を始めました。山形の静けさとのどかさを愛していましたが、大都市の利便性も恋しかったです。
普段はコーヒーを楽しんだり、本を読んだり、日記に自分の考えを書き留めたり、万年筆を集めて文章を書いたり、2 匹の猫とビデオゲームをしたりしています (猫たちはあまり上手ではありません)。昔は時間があったらムエタイやブラジリアン柔術などの格闘技をやっていましたが、今は忙しい家庭持ちなので観戦するだけです。特にOne FCの試合を見るのが好きです。
Hey, there!
My name is Jonathan, but you can call me Jon. I'm from the Philippines, where we "enjoy" two seasons - hot and hotter. I grew up wishing I'd live somewhere with intense winters, and so here we are. I've been working and living in Japan since the spring of 2023, kicking off my journey in snowy Yamagata. I loved the quiet and solitude there, but missed the conveniences of a big city.
I moved to Japan simply to be closer to family. I intend to be here for the foreseeable future and raise my son in this city where he can grow up close to his grandmother. It's been a great adventure so far, and the ride isn't stopping anytime soon!
In my spare time, you can find me appreciating coffee, reading anything and everything, jotting my thoughts down in a journal, collecting fountain pens to do said writing, and playing video games with my two cats (they're not very good at it). I used to practice combat sports like Muay Thai and Brazilian jiu-jitsu when I still had time, but now, as a busy family man, I just spectate. I particularly like watching One FC for their great fights.
Thanks for reading. I'll see you in class! I welcome any and all questions, so don't hold back.